ISO Zone:. PS2 Battle Assault 3 Featuring GUNDAM SEED (CD). KidouSenshi GUNDAM SEED RengouVSZAFTPortableDEMOJPNPSP-BAHAMUT RomUlation. Legal note: Old Games Finder is a search engine and assumes no responsibility for. For Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny: Rengou vs. II Plus on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Is there an english version on this game?'


A game for all Gundam Seed Destiny fans. The arcade style play and controls are well thought out and simple to understand, yet challenging to master. Two player co-op or versus play is possible and the choice of Mobile Suits and Gundams from the GSD is remarkable.The unique Seed activation and the 3 Seed modes provide a unique twist to the game's combat. The difficulty may be the game's only major fault, as the AI can be brutal at times. Careful mastery of the controls and a bit of patience will be your greatest allies in both versus, single, and co-operative play. A must have for any Gundam Seed Destiny or Gundam fan. ISOs » PSP » K » Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed - Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable (Japan)


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