
The following lists many cards in alphabetical order by vendorname and then product identifier. Beside each product ID, youwill see either `Supported', `Semi-Supported', `Obsolete',`Dropped' or `Not Supported'.

I would say im still amd pcnet ii dos middle reading almost done, done basic testing done, now will come hammer time.Driver Installation For IBM LAN Server 4.x (DOS Client) SUNSOFT. For PCnet-ISA+, PCnet-ISA II, PCnet, and PCnet-PCI adapter cards: No settings.

Supported means that a driver for that card exists, and manypeople are happily using it and it seems quite reliable.

Semi-Supported means that a driver exists, but at least oneof the following descriptions is true:(1) The driver and/or hardware are buggy, which may cause poorperformance, failing connections or even crashes.(2) The driver is new or the card is fairly uncommon,and hence the driver hasseen very little use/testing and the driver author has hadvery little feedback. Obviously (2) is preferable to (1), andthe individual description of the card/driver should make itclear which one holds true. In either case, you will probably haveto answer `Y' when asked ``Prompt for development and/orincomplete code/drivers?' when running make config.

Obsolete means that a driver exists, and was probably atone time considered Semi-Supported. However, due to lack ofinterest, users, and support, it is known to not work anymore.The driver is still in the kernel, but disabled in the configuration option menu. The general plan is that if itdoes not get updated by the next kernel development cycle,it will be dropped entirely. Usually a driver marked obsoletesimply needs an update to match changes in the kernel to driver interface, or other similar kernel API changes.

Dropped means that the driver was once obsolete (see above)and since there was not enough interest in fixing it, ithas been removed from the current kernel tree. There isnothing stopping anyone from copying the driver from anolder kernel, making the required updates and using it.

Not Supported means there is not a driver currently availablefor that card. This could be due to a lack of interest inhardware that is rare/uncommon, or because the vendors won'trelease the hardware documentation required to write a driver.

Note that the difference between `Supported' and `Semi-Supported'is rather subjective, and is based on user feedback.So be warned that you may finda card listed as semi-supported works perfectly for you (whichis great), or that a card listed as supported gives you no endof troubles and problems (which is not so great).

After the status, the name of the driver given in the linux kernelis listed. This will also be the name of the driver module thatwould be used in the alias eth0 driver_name line that isfound in the /etc/modules.conf module configuration file.

If you are not sure what your card is, but you think it is a3Com card, you can probably figure it out from the assemblynumber. 3Com has a document `Identifying 3Com Adapters ByAssembly Number' (ref 24500002) that would most likely clearthings up. Also check out their WWW/FTP site with various that you may find useful (including PDFswith technical info for their cards).


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c501

This obsolete stone-age 8 bit card is reallytoo brain-damaged to use. Avoid it like the plague. Do notpurchase this card, even as a joke. It's performanceis horrible, and it breaks in many ways.

For those not yet convinced, the 3c501 can only do onething at a time -- while you are removing one packetfrom the single-packet buffer it cannot receiveanother packet, nor can it receive a packet whileloading a transmit packet. This was fine for anetwork between two 8088-based computers whereprocessing each packet and replying took 10's ofmsecs, but modern networks send back-to-backpackets for almost every transaction.

AutoIRQ works, DMA isn't used, the autoprobe onlylooks at 0x280 and 0x300, and the debug level is setwith the third boot-time argument.

Once again, the use of a 3c501 is strongly discouraged!Even more so with a IP multicast kernel, as you willgrind to a halt while listening to all multicastpackets. See the comments at the top of the source codefor more details.

EtherLink II, 3c503, 3c503/16

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c503 (+8390)

The 3c503 does not have ``EEPROM setup',so a diagnostic/setup programisn't needed before running the card with Linux. Theshared memory address of the 3c503 is set using jumpersthat are shared with the boot PROM address. This isconfusing to people familiar with other ISA cards,where you always leave the jumper set to ``disable'unless you have a boot PROM.

These cards should be about the same speed as the same buswidth WD80x3, but turn out to be actually a bit slower.These shared-memory ethercards also have aprogrammed I/O mode that doesn't use the 8390facilities (their engineers found too many bugs!)The Linux 3c503 driver can also work with the 3c503in programmed-I/O mode, but this is slower and lessreliable than shared memory mode. Also, programmed-I/Omode is not as well tested when updating the drivers.You shouldn't use the programmed-I/O modeunless you need it for compatibility with anotheroperating system that is used on the same computer.

The 3c503's IRQ line is set in software, with no hintsfrom an EEPROM. Unlike the MS-DOS drivers, theLinux driver has capability to autoIRQ: it uses thefirst available IRQ line in {5,2/9,3,4}, selected eachtime the card is ifconfig'ed. Note that `ifconfig' will return EAGAIN if no IRQ line is available at that time.

Some common problems that people have with the 503are discussed in Problems with..

If you intend on using this driver as a loadable moduleyou should probably seeUsing the Ethernet Drivers as Modulesfor module specific information.

Etherlink Plus 3c505

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c505

These cards use the i82586 chip but are not that many of them about.It is included in the standard kernel, but it is classed asan alpha driver. See Alpha Driversfor important information on using alpha-test ethernet driverswith Linux.

There is also the file/usr/src/linux/drivers/net/README.3c505that you should read if you are going to use one of these cards.It contains various options that you can enable/disable.

Etherlink-16 3c507

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c507

This card uses one of the Intel chips, and thedevelopment of the driver is closely related tothe development of the Intel Ether Express driver.The driver is included in the standard kernelrelease, but as an alpha driver.See Alpha Drivers for importantinformation on using alpha-test ethernet driverswith Linux.

Etherlink III, 3c509 / 3c509B

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c509

This card was fairly inexpensive and hadgood performance for an ISA non-bus-master design.The drawbacks were that the original 3c509required very low interrupt latency. The 3c509Bshouldn't suffer from the same problem, due tohaving a larger buffer. (See below.) These cardsuse PIO transfers, similar to a ne2000 card, and soa shared memory card such as a wd8013 will be moreefficient in comparison.

The original 3c509 had a small packet buffer(4kB total, 2kB Rx, 2kB Tx), causing the driver tooccasionally drop a packet if interrupts were masked fortoo long. To minimize this problem, you can try unmaskinginterrupts during IDE disk transfers (see man hdparm) and/orincreasing your ISA bus speed so IDE transfers finish sooner.

The newer model 3c509B has 8kB on board, and the buffercan be split 4/4, 5/3 or 6/2 for Rx/Tx. This settingis changed with the DOS configuration utility, and is storedon the EEPROM. This should alleviate theabove problem with the original 3c509.

3c509B users should use either the supplied DOSutility to disable the plug and play support, andto set the output media to what they require. The linuxdriver currently does not support the Autodetectmedia setting, so you have to select 10Base-T or10Base-2 or AUI.Note that if you turn off PnP entirely, you should exit theutility and and then follow that with a hardreset to ensure that the new settings take effect.

Some people ask about the ``Server or Workstation' and ``HighestModem Speed' settings presented in the DOS configuration utility.These settings don't actually change any hardware settings, ratherthey are only tuning hints to the DOS driver. The linux driverdoes not need or use these hints. Also, DON'T enable EISA modeon this ISA card unless you really have an EISA machine, or you may end up needing to find an EISA machine just to getyour ISA card back into ISA mode!

The card with the lowest hardware ethernet addresswill always end up being eth0 in a multiple ISA 3c509 configuration. This shouldn't matterto anyone, except for those people who want to assigna 6 byte hardware address to a particular interface.If this really bothers you, have a look at Donald's latest driver,as you may be able to use a 0x3c509 value in the unused memaddress fields to order the detection to suit your needs.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c515

This is 3Com's ISA 100Mbps offering, codenamed ``CorkScrew'. Note that you will never achieve full 100Mbps on an ISA bus.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c523

This MCA bus card uses the i82586, and Chris Beauregardhas modified the ni52 driver to work with these cards.

3c527 Etherlink MC/32

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c527

Yes, another i82586 MCA card. No, not too much interest in it.Better chances with the 3c529 if you are stuck with MCA,since it uses the tried and true 3c509 core.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c509

This card actually uses the same chipset as the 3c509.People have actually been using this card in MCA machines.

3c339 Token Ring PCI Velocity XL

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: tmspci

Token ring driver updates can be found at:


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c59x

A mini PCI NIC found on various IBM and HP notebooks.Also knownas a `laptop tornado'.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c589_cs

This PCMCIA card is the combination of a 3c589B ethernet cardwith a modem. The modem appears as a standard modem to theend user. The only difficulty is getting the two separatelinux drivers to share one interrupt. There are a couple of newregisters and some hardware interrupt sharing support.Thanks again to Cameron for getting a sample unit anddocumentation sent off to David Hinds.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c59x

Note that to support this Cardbus device in old 2.2 kernels,you had to use 3c575_cb.c from the pcmcia_cs package.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c509

The EISA version of the 509. The current EISA versionuses the same 16 bit wide chip rather than a 32 bitinterface, so the performance increase isn't stunning.Make sure the card is configured for EISA addressing mode.Read the above 3c509 section for info on the driver.

3c589 / 3c589B

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c589_cs

Many people have been using this PCMCIA card for quite some time now. The 'B' in the name means the same here as it does forthe 3c509 case.

3c590 / 3c595

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c59x

These ``Vortex' cards are for PCI bus machines, with the '590being 10Mbps and the '595 being 3Com's 100Mbs offering.Also note that you can run the '595 as a '590 (i.e. in a 10Mbps mode).The 3c59x line was replaced by the 3c9xx line quite some time ago,and so these cards are considered rather old.

Note that there are two different 3c590 cards out there, earlymodels that had 32kB of on-board memory, and later models thatonly have 8kB of memory. The 3c595 cards have 64kB,as you can't get away with only 8kB RAM at 100Mbps!

3c592 / 3c597

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c59x

These are the EISA versions of the 3c59xseries of cards. The 3c592/3c597 (aka Demon) should work withthe vortex driver discussed above.

3c900 / 3c905 / 3c905B / 3c905C / 3c905CX

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c59x

These cards (aka `Boomerang', aka EtherLink III XL) have beenreleased to take over the place of the 3c590/3c595 cards,with some additional support added to the vortex/3c59x driver.The driver found in older kernels may not support the latestrevision(s) of these cards, so you may need a driver update.

Note that the 3c905C has support for TCP/UDP/IP checksummingin hardware support - meaning less work for the computerCPU to do!

3c985 (Gigabit acenic, aka Tigon2)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: acenic

This driver supports several other Gigabit cards in addition to the 3Com model.

3c996 (Gigabit broadcom, aka Tigon3)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: tg3, bcm5700(old)

This driver supports several other Gigabit cards in addition to the 3Com model. The tg3 driver is a complete rewrite by several linux developers in an effortto improve on the vendor supplied bcm5700 driver.

Accton MPX

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

Don't let the name fool you. This is still supposed to be aNE2000 compatible card, and should work with the ne2000 driver.

Accton EN1203, EN1207, EtherDuo-PCI

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip, OR 8139too

Apparently there have been several revisions of theEN1207 (A through D) with A, B, and C being tulip basedand the D revision being RealTek 8139 based (different driver).So as with all purchases, you should try and make sureyou can return it if it doesn't work for you.

Accton EN2209 Parallel Port Adaptor (EtherPocket)

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ?

A driver for these parallel port adapters was availablearound the time of the 2.0 or 2.1 kernel. It's last knownlocation was:

Accton EN2212 PCMCIA Card

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet_cs

4.3 Adaptec

Note that some of the older Adaptec 32 bit boards used a tulipclone.

Adaptec DuraLAN/Starfire, 64bit ANA-6922

Status: Supported, Driver Name: starfire


Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

These are a series of low-cost ethercards using the 79C960 versionof the AMD LANCE. These are bus-master cards, and hence one ofthe faster ISA bus ethercards available.

DMA selection and chip numbering information can be found inAMD LANCE.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: at1700

Note that to access this driver during make configyou still have to answer `Y' when asked ``Prompt fordevelopment and/or incomplete code/drivers?' atthe first. This is simply due to lack of feedback on thedriver stability due to it being a relatively rare card.If you have problems with the driver that ships withthe kernel then you may be interested in the alternative driver available at:

The Allied Telesis AT1700 series ethercards are basedon the Fujitsu MB86965. This chip uses a programmedI/O interface, and a pair of fixed-size transmitbuffers. This allows small groups of packets tobe sent back-to-back, with a short pause whileswitching buffers.

The Fujitsu chip used on the AT1700 has a design flaw:it can only be fully reset by doing a power cycle of the machine.Pressing the reset button doesn't reset the bus interface. Thiswouldn't be so bad, except that it can only be reliably detectedwhen it has been freshly reset. The solution/work-around is topower-cycle the machine if the kernel has a problem detectingthe AT1700.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

Yet another PCI NE2000 clone card. This one is based onthe RealTek 8029 chip.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is the PCI version of the AT1500, and it doesn't sufferfrom the problems that the Boca 79c970 PCI card does.DMA selection and chip numbering information can be found inAMD LANCE.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: 8139too, rtl8139(old)

This card uses the RealTek 8139 chip - see thesection RealTek 8139.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: eepro100

This card uses the i82557 chip, and hence may/should workwith the eepro100 driver. If you try this please send ina report so this information can be updated.

Carl Ching of AMD was kind enough to provide a verydetailed description of all the relevant AMD ethernetproducts which helped clear up this section. Far cry 2 mods.

AMD LANCE (7990, 79C960/961/961A, PCnet-ISA)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

There really is no AMD ethernet card. You are probably reading thisbecause the only markings you could find on your card said AMDand the above number. The 7990 is the original `LANCE' chip,but most stuff (including this document) refer to all thesesimilar chips as `LANCE' chips. (..incorrectly, I might add.)

These above numbers refer to chips from AMDthat are the heart of many ethernet cards.For example, the Allied Telesis AT1500 (seeAT1500) and the NE1500/2100 (seeNE1500) use these chips.

The 7990/79c90 have long been replaced by newer versions.The 79C960 (a.k.a. PCnet-ISA) essentially contains the 79c90core, along with all the other hardware support required, whichallows a single-chip ethernet solution. The 79c961 (PCnet-ISA+)is a jumperless Plug and Play version of the '960. The finalchip in the ISA series is the 79c961A (PCnet-ISA II), whichadds full duplex capabilities.All cards with one of these chips should work withthe lance.c driver, with the exception of very old cards thatused the original 7990 in a shared memory configuration. Theseold cards can be spotted by the lack of jumpers for a DMA channel.

One common problem people have is the `busmaster arbitrationfailure' message. This is printed out when the LANCE drivercan't get access to the bus after a reasonable amount of timehas elapsed (50us). This usually indicates that the motherboardimplementation of bus-mastering DMA is broken, or some other deviceis hogging the bus, or there is a DMA channel conflict. If your BIOSsetup has the `GAT option' (for Guaranteed Access Time) then trytoggling/altering that setting to see if it helps.

Also note that the driver only looks at the addresses:0x300, 0x320, 0x340, 0x360 for a valid card, and anyaddress supplied by an ether= boot argument is silentlyignored (this will be fixed) so make sure your card is configuredfor one of the above I/O addresses for now.

The driver will still work fine, evenif more than 16MB of memory is installed, since low-memory`bounce-buffers' are used when needed (i.e. any data fromabove 16MB is copied into a buffer below 16MB before beinggiven to the card to transmit.)

The DMA channel can be set with the low bitsof the otherwise-unused dev->mem_start value (a.k.a. PARAM_1).(see PARAM_1)If unset it is probed for by enabling each free DMA channelin turn and checking if initialization succeeds.

The HP-J2405A board is an exception: with this board it's easyto read the EEPROM-set values for the IRQ, and DMA.

AMD 79C901 (Home PNA PHY)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: sis900

The sis900.txt file in 2.4 kernels states that 'AM79C901 HomePNA PHY is not thoroughly tested, there may be some bugs in the 'on the fly' change of transceiver.'so you may want to check that if using a newer kernel.

AMD 79C965 (PCnet-32)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is the PCnet-32 -- a 32 bit bus-master version of theoriginal LANCE chip for VL-bus and local bus systems.chip. While these chips can be operated with the standardlance.c driver, a 32 bit version (pcnet32.c) isalso available that does not have to concern itself withany 16MB limitations associated with the ISA bus.

AMD 79C970/970A (PCnet-PCI)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is the PCnet-PCI -- similar to the PCnet-32, but designedfor PCI bus based systems. Please see theabove PCnet-32 information.This means that you need to build a kernel withPCI BIOS support enabled. The '970A adds full duplex supportalong with some other features to the original '970 design.

Note that the Boca implementation of the 79C970 fails onfast Pentium machines. This is a hardware problem, as itaffects DOS users as well. See the Boca section for moredetails.

AMD 79C971 (PCnet-FAST)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is AMD's 100Mbit chip for PCI systems, which also supportsfull duplex operation. It was introduced in June 1996.

AMD 79C972 (PCnet-FAST+)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This has been confirmed to work just like the '971.

AMD 79C974 (PCnet-SCSI)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is the PCnet-SCSI -- which is basically treated likea '970 from an Ethernet point of view.Also see the above information. Don't ask how well theSCSI half of the chip is supported -- this is theEthernet-HowTo, not the SCSI-HowTo.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ac3200

This EISA bus card is based on the common 8390chip used in the ne2000 and wd80x3 cards.Note that to access this driver during make configyou still have to answer `Y' when asked ``Prompt fordevelopment and/or incomplete code/drivers?' atthe first. This is simply due to lack of feedback on thedriver stability due to it being a relatively rare card.Feedback has been low even though the driver hasbeen in the kernel since v1.1.25.

4.7 Apricot

Apricot Xen-II On Board Ethernet

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: apricot

This on board ethernet uses an i82596 bus-master chip.It can only be at I/O address 0x300.By looking at the driver source,it appears that the IRQ is also hardwired to 10.

Earlier versions of the driver had a tendency to thinkthat anything living at 0x300 was an apricot NIC.Since then the hardware address is checked to avoid thesefalse detections.

Status: Supported, Driver Name: arcnet (arc-rimi, com90xx, com20020)

With the very low cost and better performance of ethernet,chances are that most places will be giving away their Arcnethardware for free, resulting in a lot of home systems with Arcnet.

An advantage of Arcnet is that all of the cards have identicalinterfaces, so one driver will work for everyone. It also hasbuilt in error handling so that it supposedly never loses a packet.(Great for UDP traffic!) Note that the arcnet driveruses `arc0' as its name instead of the usual `eth0' forethernet devices.

There are information files contained in the standard kernel forsetting jumpers, general hints and where to mail bug reports.

Supposedly the driver also works with the 100Mbs ARCnet cardsas well!

Yes, they make more than just multi-port serial cards.

Boca BEN400

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

Apparently this is a NE2000 clone, using a VIA VT86C916 chip.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance, pcnet32

These cards are based on AMD's PCnet chips.Many people reported endless problems with these VLB/PCI cards. The problem was supposedly due to Boca not installing some capacitors that AMD recommended.(The older ISA cards don't appear to suffer the same problems.)Boca was offering a `warranty repair' foraffected owners, which involved adding one of the missingcapacitors, but it appears that this fix didn't work 100percent for most people, although it helped some. Thecards are so old now that it wouldn't be worth pursuing.

More general information on the AMD chips can be found inAMD LANCE.

4.10 Broadcom

Broadcom Tigon2

Status: Supported, Driver Name: acenic

Broadcom Tigon3

Status: Supported, Driver Name: tg3

Lack of programming information from Cabletron at the timedrivers were being developed for these cards meant thatthe drivers were not supported as well as they could have been.

Apparently Cabletron has since changed their policy with respect to programming information (like Xircom).However, at this point in time, there is little demand formodified/updated drivers for the old E20xx and E21xx cards.

E10**, E10**-x, E20**, E20**-x

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

These are NEx000 almost-clones that are reported towork with the standard NEx000 drivers, thanks to actron-specific check during the probe.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: e2100 (+8390)

The E2100 is a poor design. Whenever it maps itsshared memory in during a packet transfer, itmaps it into the whole 128K region! That means youcan't safely use another interrupt-driven sharedmemory device in that region, including another E2100.It will work most of the time, but every once ina while it will bite you. (Yes, this problem canbe avoided by turning off interrupts whiletransferring packets, but that will almost certainlylose clock ticks.) Also, if you mis-program the board,or halt the machine at just the wrong moment, eventhe reset button won't bring it back. You will haveto turn it off and leave it off for about 30 seconds.

Media selection is automatic, but you can override thiswith the low bits of the dev->mem_end parameter.See PARAM_2. Module userscan specify an xcvr=N value as an option inthe /etc/modules.conf file.

Also, don't confuse the E2100 for a NE2100 clone.The E2100 is a shared memory NatSemi DP8390 design,roughly similar to a brain-damaged WD8013, whereasthe NE2100 (and NE1500) use a bus-mastering AMDLANCE design.

If you intend on using this driver as a loadable moduleyou should probably seeUsing the Ethernet Drivers as Modulesfor module specific information.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: lance

According to information in a Cabletron Tech Bulletin, thesecards use the standard AMD PC-Net chipset (see AMD PC-Net) and should work with the generic lancedriver.

4.12 Cogent


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: smc9194

These cards use the SMC 91c100 chip and may work with theSMC 91c92 driver, but this has yet to be verified.

Cogent eMASTER+, EM100-PCI, EM400, EM960, EM964

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

These are yet another DEC 21040 implementation that shouldhopefully work fine with the standard 21040 driver.

The EM400 and the EM964 are four port cards using aDEC 21050 bridge and 4 21040 chips.

See DEC 21040for more information on these cards, and the present driversituation.

4.13 Compaq

Compaq aren't really in the business of making ethernetcards, but a lot of their systems have embedded ethernetcontrollers on the motherboard.

Compaq Deskpro / Compaq XL (Embedded AMD Chip)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

Machines such as the XL series have an AMD 79c97x PCI chipon the mainboard that can be used with the standard LANCEdriver. But before you can use it, you have to do sometrickery to get the PCI BIOS to a place where Linux cansee it. Frank Maas was kind enough to provide thedetails:

`` The problem with this Compaq machine however is that the PCIdirectory is loaded in high memory, at a spot where the Linuxkernel can't (won't) reach. Result: the card is never detected noris it usable (sideline: the mouse won't work either)The workaround (as described thoroughly in to load MS-DOS, launch a little driver Compaq wrote and thenload the Linux kernel using LOADLIN. Ok, I'll give you time tosay `yuck, yuck', but for now this is the only working solutionI know of. The little driver simply moves the PCI directory toa place where it is normally stored (and where Linux can find it).'

The DOS utility movepci.exe is apparently in Compaq'ssupport package SP1599.EXE if you still need it.

More general information on the AMD chips can be found inAMD LANCE.

Compaq Nettelligent/NetFlex (Embedded ThunderLAN Chip)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: tlan

These systems use a Texas Instruments ThunderLAN chipInformation on the ThunderLAN driver can be found inThunderLAN.

Compaq PCI card

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eepro100

Check your card - if it has part number 323551-821and/or an intel 82558 chip on it then it is anotherIntel EEPro100 based card.

4.14 Danpex

Danpex EN9400

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

Yet another card based on the DEC 21040 chip, reported towork fine, and at a relatively cheap price.

See DEC 21040for more information on these cards, and the present driversituation.

4.15 Davicom

Davicom DM9102

Status: Supported, Driver Name: tulip, dmfe

This is an almost clone of the tulip chip and so you can use the tulip driver or the vendor supplied dmfe driver.Usual advice is to try tulip first, and then try dmfe.Apparently dmfe is only better for very very old cards.

DE-100, DE-200, DE-220-T, DE-250

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

Some of the early D-Link cards didn't have the 0x57PROM signature, but the ne2000 driver knows about them.For the software configurable cards, you can get theconfig program from that there are also cards fromDigital (DEC) that are also named DE100 and DE200,but the similarity stops there.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

This is a PCI card using the PCI version of AMD's LANCE chip.DMA selection and chip numbering information can be found inAMD LANCE.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

Apparently D-Link have also started making PCI NE2000 clones.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

This is a generic DEC 21040 PCI chip implementation,and is reported to work with the generic 21040 tulip driver.Note that this is NOT the DFE-530.

See DEC 21040for more information on these cards, and the present driversituation.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: de600

The DE600 is an old parallel port ethernetadaptor made for laptop users etc.Expect about 180kb/s transfer speed from this device.You should read the README.DLINKfile in the kernel source tree.Note that the device name that you pass to ifconfigis noweth0 and not the previouslyused dl0.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: de620

Similar to the the DE-600, only with two output formats.See the above information on the DE-600.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet_cs

Some people have been using this PCMCIA card forsome time now with their notebooks. It is a basic8390 design, much like a NE2000. The LinkSys PCMCIAcard and the IC-Card Ethernet are supposedly DE-650 clonesas well.


Status Supported, Driver Name: via-rhine

Another card using the VIA Rhine chipset.Newer cards use the Rhine-II.(see VIA Rhine)Don't confuse this with the DE-530 which is a tulipbased card, or the DFE-530+ which is an 8139.

DFE-530TX+, DFE-538TX

Status Supported, Driver Name: 8139too, rtl8139(old)

This card uses the RealTek 8139 chip - see thesection RealTek 8139.


Status Supported, Driver Name: sundance


Status Supported, Driver Name: tulip

This is a four port tulip (DS21143) card.


Status Supported, Driver Name: sundance


Status: Supported, Driver Name: ns83820


Status Supported, Driver Name: dl2k

DFINET-300 and DFINET-400

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

Yet another poor NE clone card - these use `DFI' in the first 3 bytes of the prom, insteadof using 0x57 in bytes 14 and 15, which is what all theNE1000 and NE2000 cards should use. (The 300 is an 8 bitpseudo NE1000 clone, and the 400 is a pseudo NE2000 clone.)

DEPCA, DE100/1, DE200/1/2, DE210, DE422

Status: Supported, Driver Name: depca

There is documentation included in the source file`depca.c', which includes info on how to use more thanone of these cards in a machine. Note that the DE422 isan EISA card. These cards are all based on the AMD LANCE chip.See AMD LANCE for more info.A maximum of two of the ISA cards can be used, because theycan only be set for 0x300 and 0x200 base I/O address.If you are intending to do this, please read the notes inthe driver source file depca.c in the standard kernelsource tree.

This driver will also work on Alpha CPU based machines, andthere are various ioctl()s that the user can play with.

Digital EtherWorks 3 (DE203, DE204, DE205)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ewrk3

These cards use a proprietarychip from DEC, as opposed to the LANCE chip used in theearlier cards like the DE200. These cards support both sharedmemory or programmed I/O, although you take about a 50%performance hit if you use PIO mode. The shared memory size canbe set to 2kB, 32kB or 64kB, but only 2 and 32 have been testedwith this driver. David says that the performance is virtuallyidentical between the 2kB and 32kB mode. There is more information(including using the driver as a loadable module) at the topof the driver file ewrk3.c and also in README.ewrk3.Both of these files come with the standard kernel distribution.This driver has Alpha CPU support like depca.c does.

The standard driver has a numberof interesting ioctl() calls that can be used to get or clearpacket statistics, read/write the EEPROM, change thehardware address, and the like. Hackers can see the sourcecode for more info on that one.

David has also written a configuration utility for thiscard (along the lines of the DOS program NICSETUP.EXE)along with other tools. These can be found onmost Linux FTP sites in the directory/pub/Linux/system/Network/management -- look for thefile ewrk3tools-X.XX.tar.gz.

DE425 EISA, DE434, DE435, DE500

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

These cards are based on the 21040 chip mentioned below.The DE500 uses the 21140 chip to provide 10/100Mbsethernet connections.Have a read of the 21040 section below for extra info.There are also some compile-time options available fornon-DEC cards using this driver. Have a look atREADME.de4x5 for details.

All the Digital cards will autoprobe for their media (except,temporarily, the DE500 due to a patent issue).

This driver is also Alpha CPU ready and supports being loadedas a module. Users can access the driver internals throughioctl() calls - see the 'ewrk3' tools and the de4x5.c sourcesfor information about how to do this.

DEC 21040, 21041, 2114x, Tulip

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

The DEC 21040 is a bus-mastering single chip ethernet solutionfrom Digital, similar to AMD's PCnet chip. The 21040 isspecifically designed for the PCI bus architecture.Apparently these chips are no longer being produced, as Intelhas bought the semiconductor portion of DEC and is favouringtheir own ethernet chip(s).

You have a choice of two drivers for cards based on thischip. There is the DE425 driver discussed above, and thegeneric 21040 `tulip' driver.

Warning: Even though your card may be based upon this chip,the drivers may not work for you. David C. Davies writes:

``There are no guarantees that either `tulip.c' OR `de4x5.c'will run any DC2114x based card other than those they've beenwritten to support. WHY?? You ask. Because there is a register,the General Purpose Register (CSR12) that (1) in the DC21140A isprogrammable by each vendor and they all do it differently(2) in the DC21142/3 this is now an SIA control register(a la DC21041). The only small ray of hope is that we can decode theSROM to help set up the driver. However, this is not a guaranteedsolution since some vendors (e.g. SMC 9332 card) don't follow theDigital Semiconductor recommended SROM programming format.'

In non-technical terms, this means that if you aren't sure that anunknown card with a DC2114x chip will work with the linux driver(s),then make sure you can return the card to the place ofpurchase before you pay for it.

The 21041 chip is also found in place of the 21040on most of the later SMC EtherPower cards.The 21140 is for supporting 100Base-T andworks with the Linux drivers for the 21040 chip.To use David's de4x5 driver with non-DEC cards, have alook at README.de4x5 for details.

If you are having trouble with the tulip driver,you can try the newest version from Donald's ftp/WWWsite.

There is also a (non-exhaustive) list ofvarious cards/vendors that use the 21040 chip.

4.19 Farallon

Farallon sells EtherWave adaptors and transceivers. This deviceallows multiple 10baseT devices to be daisy-chained.

Farallon Etherwave

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 3c509

This is reported to be a 3c509 clone that includes theEtherWave transceiver. People have used these successfullywith Linux and the present 3c509 driver. They are too expensivefor general use, but are a great option for special cases. Hubletprices start at $125, and Etherwaveadds $75-$100 to the price of the board -- worthit if you have pulled one wire too few, but not if you are twonetwork drops short.

Farallon PCI 593

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

It has been reported that this card was detected withthe de4x5 driver.

4.20 Fujitsu

Unlike many network chip manufacturers, Fujitsu have alsomade and sold some network cards based upon their chip.

Fujitsu FMV-181/182/183/184

Status: Supported, Driver Name: at1700, fmv18x(old)

According to the driver, these cards are a straight forwardFujitsu MB86965 implementation, which would make themvery similar to the Allied Telesis AT1700 cards.

Older kernels used the driver fmv18x but support forthese cards was added to the at1700 driver and sothe former has been phased out.

HP Night Director+ 10/100

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

Apparently these cards use the AMD 79C972 chip.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: hp (+8390)

8 bit 8390 based 10BaseT, not recommended for all the8 bit reasons.

HP EtherTwist, PC Lan+ (27247, 27248, 27252A, 27269B)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: hp+ (+8390)

The HP PC Lan+ is different to the standard HP PC Lancard. It can be operated in either a PIO mode like a ne2000, or a shared memory mode like a wd8013.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

These are lower priced, and slightly faster than the27247/27252A, but are missing some features, suchas AUI, ThinLAN connectivity, and boot PROM socket.This is a fairly generic LANCE design, but a minordesign decision makes it incompatible with a generic`NE2100' driver. Special support for it (includingreading the DMA channel from the board) is includedthanks to information provided by HP's GlennTalbott.

HP-Vectra On Board Ethernet

Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

The HP-Vectra has an AMD PCnet chip on the motherboard.DMA selection and chip numbering information can be found inAMD LANCE.

HP 10/100 VG Any Lan Cards (27248B, J2573, J2577, J2585, J970, J973)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: hp100

This driver also supports some of the Compex VG products.Since the driver supports ISA, EISA and PCI cards, itis found under ISA cards when running make configon a kernel source.

HP NetServer 10/100TX PCI (D5013A)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eepro100

Apparently these are just a rebadged Intel EtherExpress Pro10/100B card. See the Intel section for more information.

IBM Thinkpad 300

Status: Obsolete, Driver Name: znet

This is intel i82593 based. It has been declared obsoletein the 2.4 series kernels.

IBM Credit Card Adaptor for Ethernet

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: pcnet_cs

IBM 10/100 EtherJet PCI

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eepro100

This card is reported to be compatible with the IntelEtherExpress Pro 100 driver.

IBM Token Ring

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ibmtr

To support token ringrequires more than only writing a device driver, it also requireswriting the source routing routines for token ring. It is thesource routing that would be the most time comsuming to write.

Initial driver development was done with IBM ISA andMCA token ring cards, and tested on an MCA 16/4 Megabit TokenRing board, but it should work with other Tropic based boards.

4.23 ICL Ethernet Cards

ICL EtherTeam 16i/32

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eth16i

This driver supports both the ISA (16i) and EISA (32) versionsof the card. It uses the Fujitsu MB86965 chip that is also used on the at1700 cards.

Note that the naming of the various Intel cards is ambiguousand confusing at best. If in doubt, then check the i8xxxxnumber on the main chip on the card or for PCI cards, use thePCI information in the /proc directory and thencompare that to the numbers listed here. Finally, there wasa page at in the network area thatmay also be some help if you don't know what card you have.

Ether Express

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eexpress

This card uses the intel i82586.Earlier versions of this driver (in v1.2 kernels) wereclassed as alpha-test, as it didn't work well for most people.The driver in the v2.0 kernel seems to work much betterfor those who have tried it, although the driver source stilllists it as experimental and more problematic on fastermachines.

The comments at the top of thedriver source list some of the problems (and fixes!) associatedwith these cards. The slowdown hack of replacing all the outbwith outb_p in the driver has been reported to avoid lockupsfor at least one user. Also check that the size of the RAMbuffer reported by the driver matches what the Intel configurationutility reports.

Ether Express PRO/10 (PRO/10+)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: eepro

Bao Chau Ha has written a driver for these cards that has beenincluded into early 1.3.x kernels. It may also work with some ofthe Compaq built-in ethernet systems that are based on thei82595 chip. You may have to use the configuration utilitythat came with the card to disable PnP support where applicable.

Ether Express PRO/10 PCI (EISA)

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ? (distributed separately)

There is a driver for the PCI version that is distributed separately from the default kernel. These cards use the PLX9036 PCI interface chipwith the Intel i82596 LAN controller chip. If your card hasthe i82557 chip, then you don't have this card, butrather the version discussed next, and hence want theEEPro100 driver instead.

You can get the alpha driver for the PRO/10 PCI card,along with instructions on how to use it at:

If you have the EISA card, you will probably have to hack thedriver a bit to account for the different (PCI vs. EISA)detection mechanisms that are used in each case.

Ether Express PRO 10/100B

Status: Supported, Driver Name: e100, or eepro100

The e100 driver was supplied by intel, and the eepro100driver is the original driver by Donald.Note that the eepro100 driver will not work with the older 100A cards.The chip numbers listed in the driver are i82557,i82558, i82559, i82801, and about 25 other PCI IDs.For driver updates and/or driver support, have a look at:

E1000 Gigabit

Status: Supported, Driver Name: e1000

4.25 Kingston

Kingston make various cards, including NE2000+, AMD PCnet basedcards, and DEC tulip based cards. Most of these cards should workfine with their respective driver. SeeKingston Web Page

4.26 LinkSys

LinkSys make a handful of different NE2000 clones, some straightISA cards, some ISA plug and play and some even ne2000-PCI clonesbased on one of the supported ne2000-PCI chipsets. There arejust too many models to list here.Their site is at

LinkSys Etherfast 10/100 Cards.

Status: Supported, Driver Name: tulip

Note that with these cards there have been several `revisions' (i.e.different chipset used) all with the same card name. The 1st usedthe DEC chipset. The 2nd revision used the Lite-On PNIC 82c168 PCINetwork Interface Controller, the 3rdrevision of the card uses a LinkSys 82c169 NIC chip, and the 4threvision uses the ADMtek Comet.Support for the latter three has been merged into the standard tulip driver -- you may need a driver upgrade to get support for themdepending on how old your current driver version is.

More PNIC information is available at:

More information on the various versions of these cards can be foundat the LinkSys WWW site mentioned above.

LinkSys Pocket Ethernet Adapter Plus (PEAEPP)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de620

This is supposedly a DE-620 clone, and is reported towork well with that driver. SeeDE-620 for more information.

LinkSys PCMCIA Adaptor

Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet_cs

This is supposed to be a re-badged DE-650.

4.27 Microdyne (Eagle)

Eagle Technology (aka Novell cards) was sold to Microdyne.If you can't find your card listed here, check the Novellsection of this document.While Microdyne are not actively selling network cards anymore, there is still some stuff relating to their products on their siteat

Microdyne Exos 205T

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ?

Another i82586 based card. Dirk written a driver that he classes as ``pre-alpha'that he would like people to test. Mail him for more details.

4.28 Mylex

Mylex can be reached at the following numbers, in case anyonewants to ask them anything.

They also have a web site:Mylex WWW Site

Mylex LNE390A, LNE390B

Status: Supported, Driver Name: lne390 (+8390)

These are fairly old EISA cards that make use of a sharedmemory implementation similar to the wd80x3. A driver forthese cards is available in the current 2.1.x series ofkernels. Ensure you set the shared memory address below1MB or above the highest address of the physical RAM installed inthe machine.

Mylex LNP101

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

This is a PCI card that is based on DEC's 21040 chip.It is selectable between 10BaseT, 10Base2 and 10Base5 output.The LNP101 card has been verified to work with the generic21040 driver.

See the section on the 21040 chip(DEC 21040)for more information.

Mylex LNP104

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

The LNP104 uses the DEC 21050 chip to deliver fourindependent 10BaseT ports. It should work with recent 21040drivers that know how to share IRQs, but nobody hasreported trying it yet (that I am aware of).

4.29 Myson

Myson MTD-8xx 10/100 PCI

Status: Supported, Driver Name: fealnx

Apparently cards sold under the name Surecom EP-320X-S also use this Myson chip.

4.30 National Semiconductor

National Semiconductor really make chips, not cards. Other people take their chips, solder them down toa bit of fibreglass with some other cruft, put theirname on it and sell it to you.

NS8390, DP8390, DP83905 etc.

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 8390

The infamous 8390 chip. Found on a zillion ISA cards,and cloned by various other chip manufacturers.Note that the file 8390.o is not a complete driver in itself.It has to be used in conjunction with another driver thatknows how the 8390 is interfaced to the computer bus.Examples of the 2nd half of the driver are wd.o,3c503.o, smc-ultra.o, ne2k-pci.o and so on.

DP83800 with DP83840

Status: Not Supported.

See the section for NE 10/100 below.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: natsemi

This driver can be found in 2.4 and newer kernels.

NS83820, DP83820

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ns83820

The 83820 is a 10/100/1000 Mbps 64 bit PCI ethernet NIC, andthe 83821 is a 32 bit PCI part (but it appears that theparts are identical and the EEPROM is supposed to setthe data path width).Just like the 8390, you won't usually see this numberunless you look at the chip on the card.

The prefix `NE' came from Novell Ethernet. Novell followed thecheapest NatSemi databook design and sold the manufacturing rights(spun off?) Eagle, just to get reasonably-priced ethercards intothe market. (The now ubiquitous NE2000 card.)

NE1000, NE2000

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

The ne2000 is now a generic name for a bare-bones design aroundthe NatSemi 8390 chip. They use programmed I/O rather thanshared memory, leading to easier installation butslightly lower performance and a few problems. Some of the more common problems that arisewith NE2000 cards are listed in Problems with..

Some NE2000 clones use the NationalSemiconductor `AT/LANTic' 83905 chip, which offersa shared memory mode similar to the wd8013 and EEPROMsoftware configuration. The shared memory mode will offerless CPU usage (i.e. more efficient) than the programmedI/O mode.

In general it is not a good idea to put a NE2000clone at I/O address 0x300 because nearlyevery device driver probes there at boot. Somepoor NE2000 clones don't take kindly to being proddedin the wrong areas, and will respond by locking yourmachine. Also 0x320 is bad because SCSI driversprobe into 0x330.

Donald has written a NE2000 diagnostic program (ne2k.c)for all ne2000 cards.See Diagnostic Programs for moreinformation.

If you intend on using this driver as a loadable moduleyou should probably seeUsing the Ethernet Drivers as Modulesfor module specific information.

NE2000-PCI (RealTek/Winbond/Compex)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

Yes, believe it or not, people are making PCI cards based onthe more than ten year old interface design of the ne2000. At the momentnearly all of these cards are based on the RealTek 8029 chip,or the Winbond 89c940 chip. The Compex, KTI, VIA and Netvin cardsapparently also use these chips, but have a different PCI ID.

The latest v2.0 kernel has support to automatically detect allthese cards and use them. (If you are using a kernel v2.0.34 orolder, you should upgrade to ensure your card will be detected.)There are now two drivers to choose from; the original ISA/PCIne.c driver, and a relatively new PCI-only ne2k-pci.cdriver.

To use the original ISA/PCI driver you have to say `Y' tothe `Other ISA cards' option when running make config asyou are actually using the same NE2000 driver as the ISA cardsuse. (That should also give you a hint that these cards aren'tanywhere as intelligent as say a PCNet-PCI or DEC 21040 card..)

The newer PCI-only driver differs from the ISA/PCI driver inthat all the support for old NE1000 8 bit cards has been removedand that data is moved to/from the card in bigger blocks, withoutany intervening pauses that the older ISA-NE2000's required forreliable operation. The result is a driver that is slightlysmaller and slightly more efficient, but don't get too excitedas the difference will not be obvious under normal use. (If youreally wanted maximum efficiency/low CPU use, then a PCI-NE2000is simply a very poor choice.) Driver updates and moreinformation can be found at:

If you have a NE2000 PCI card that is not detected bythe most current version of the driver, please contact themaintainer of the NE2000 driver as listedin /usr/src/linux/MAINTAINERS along with the outputfrom a cat /proc/pci and dmesg so thatsupport for your card can also be added to the driver.

Also note that various card makers have been known to put`NE2000 Compatible' stickers on their product boxes even whenit is completely different (e.g. PCNet-PCI or RealTek 8139).If in doubt check the main chip number against this document.


Status: Not Supported.

These are ISA 100Mbps cards based on the National SemiconductorDP83800 and DP83840 chips. There is currently no driver support,nor has anyone reported that they are working on a driver.Apparently documentation on the chip is unavailable with theexception of a single PDF file that doesn't give enough detailsfor a driver.

NE1500, NE2100

Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

These cards use the original 7990 LANCE chip from AMD andare supported using the Linux lance driver. Newer NE2100clones use the updated PCnet/ISA chip from AMD.

Some earlier versions of the lance driver had problemswith getting the IRQ line via autoIRQ from the originalNovell/Eagle 7990 cards. Hopefully this is now fixed.If not, then specify the IRQ via LILO, and let us knowthat it still has problems.

DMA selection and chip numbering information can be found inAMD LANCE.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ne2

There were a few NE2000 microchannel cards made by variouscompanies. This driver, available in v2.2 kernels, will detectthe following MCA cards: Novell Ethernet Adapter NE/2,Compex ENET-16 MC/P, and the Arco Ethernet Adapter AE/2.


Status: Not Supported.

While there is no driver support in the current 2.4 kernel,Rask Ingemann Lambertsen has been playing around with anold EISA machine and had an experimental driver at:


Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne3210 (+8390)

This EISA card is completely different from the NE3200, as ituses a Nat Semi 8390 chip. The driver can be found in the v2.2kernel source tree. Ensure you set the shared memory address below1MB or above the highest address of the physical RAM installed inthe machine.


Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet_cs


Status: Supported, Driver Name: pcnet32

These are just AMD PCnet-PCI cards ('970A) chips. Moreinformation on LANCE/PCnet based cards can be found inAMD LANCE.

4.32 Netgear

Netgear FA-311

Status: Supported, Driver Name: natsemi

Netgear GA-620

Status: Supported, Driver Name: acenic

Netgear GA-621

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ns83820

4.33 Proteon

Proteon P1370-EA

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

Apparently this is a NE2000 clone, and works fine with Linux.

Proteon P1670-EA

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

This is yet another PCI card that is based on DEC's Tulip chip.It has been reported to work fine with Linux.

See the section on the 21040 chip(DEC 21040)for more driver information.

4.34 Pure Data

PDUC8028, PDI8023

Status: Supported, Driver Name: wd (+8390)

The PureData PDUC8028 and PDI8023 series of cards are`almost clones' of the wd80x3 cards - there isspecial code in the wd.c driver to probe forthese cards.

4.35 Racal-Interlan

Racal Interlan can be reached via WWW I believe they were also known asMiCom-Interlan at one point in the past.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: es3210

This is an EISA 8390 based shared memory card. An experimetaldriver is shipped with v2.2 kernels and it is reported towork fine, but the EISA IRQ and shared memory address detectionappears not to work with (at least) the early revision cards.(This problem is not unique to the Linux world either..)In that case, you have to supply them to the driver.For example, card at IRQ 5 and shared memory 0xd0000,with a modular driver, addoptions es3210 irq=5 mem=0xd0000 to /etc/modules.conf.Or with the driver compiled into the kernel, supply atboot ether=5,0,0xd0000,eth0The I/O base is automatically detectedand hence a value of zero should be used.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ni5010

You used to have to go get the driver for these old 8 bit MiCom-Interlan cards separately, but now it is shipped withthe v2.2 kernels as an experimental driver.


Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ni52

This card also uses one of the Intel chips. Michael Hipp has written a driver for this card. It is includedin the standard kernel as an `alpha' driver. Michael would liketo hear feedback from users that have this card. SeeAlpha Drivers for importantinformation on using alpha-test ethernet driverswith Linux.

NI6510 (not EB)

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: ni65

There is also a driver for the LANCE based NI6510, and itis also written by Michael Hipp. Again, it is also an`alpha' driver. For some reason, this card is not compatiblewith the generic LANCE driver. SeeAlpha Drivers for importantinformation on using alpha-test ethernet driverswith Linux.

EtherBlaster (aka NI6510EB)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: lance

As of kernel 1.3.23, the generic LANCE driver had a checkadded to it for the 0x52, 0x44 NI6510EB specific signature.Others have reported that this signature is not the samefor all NI6510EB cards however, which will cause the lancedriver to not detect your card. If this happens to you, youcan change the probe (at about line 322 in lance.c) to printk()out what the values are for your card and then use them insteadof the 0x52, 0x44 defaults.

The cards should probably be run in `high-performance' modeand not in the NI6510 compatible mode when using the lance driver.

4.36 RealTek

RealTek RTL8002/8012 (AT-Lan-Tec) Pocket adaptor

Status: Supported, Driver Name: atp

This is a generic, low-cost OEM pocket adaptor being sold byAT-Lan-Tec, and (likely) a number of other suppliers. Adriver for it is included in the standard kernel.Note that there is substantial information contained in thedriver source file `atp.c'.

Note that the device name that you pass to ifconfigwas noteth0 but atp0 for earlier versionsof this driver.

RealTek 8008

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, wd (+8390)

This chip has been reported to behave similar to the AT/LANTICin that it can be set for ne/PIO or wd/MMIO modes of operationvia the vendor supplied software (SET8008R).

RealTek 8009

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

This is an ISA NE2000 clone, and is reported to work fine withthe linux NE2000 driver.The rset8009.exe program can be obtained from RealTek'sWWW site at - or via ftpfrom the same site.

RealTek 8019

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

This is a Plug and Pray version of the above. Use the DOSsoftware to disable PnP and enable jumperless configuration;set the card to a sensible I/O address and IRQ and you shouldbe ready to go. (If using the driver as a module, don't forgetto add an io=0xNNN option to /etc/modules.conf).The rset8019.exe program can be obtained from RealTek'sWWW site at - or via ftpfrom the same site.

RealTek 8029

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

This is a PCI single chip implementation of a NE2000 clone.Various vendors are now selling cards with this chip. SeeNE2000-PCI for information onusing any of these cards. Note thatthis is still a 10+ year old design just glued onto aPCI bus. Performance won't be staggeringly better thanthe equivalent ISA model.

RealTek 8129/8139

Status: Supported, Driver Name: 8139too, rtl8139(old)

Another PCI single chip ethernet solution from RealTek.A driver for cards based upon this chip was includedin the v2.0.34 release of linux. The driver is called8139too in recent kernels.

In older kernels, the driver was called rtl8139 and you generally had to to answer `Y' when asked if you want experimental drivers to get access to this driver.

4.37 Sager

Sager NP943

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 3c501

This is just a 3c501 clone, with a different S.A. PROMprefix. I assume it is equally as brain dead as theoriginal 3c501 as well. The driver checksfor the NP943 I.D. and then just treats it as a 3c501after that. See 3Com 3c501for all the reasons as to why you really don't wantto use one of these cards.

4.38 Schneider & Koch

SK G16

Status: Obsolete, Driver Name: sk_g16

This driver was included into the v1.1 kernels, and it waswritten by PJD Weichmann and SWS Bern. It appears that theSK G16 is similar to the NI6510, in that it is based onthe first edition LANCE chip (the 7990). Once again, itappears as though this card won't work with the genericLANCE driver.

It was marked obsolete as of the 2.4 series kernels.

4.39 SEEQ

SEEQ 8005

Status: Obsolete, Driver Name: seeq8005

There is little informationabout the card included in the driver, and hence littleinformation to be put here. If you have a question, youare probably best trying to e-mail the driver authoras listed in the source.

It was marked obsolete as of the 2.4 series kernels.

4.40 SiS (Silicon Integrated Systems)

SiS have long been in the business of making motherboardchipsets even back in the 386 days. Now they also havesome ethernet chips that are quite common as well.

SiS 900 (7016, 630E, 962)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: sis900

This device can be found as a standalone PCI card, or asbuilt-in on the motherboard. The driver has been presentsince late 2.2 kernels.

The ethernet part of Western Digital was bought out by SMCmany years ago when the wd8003 and wd8013 were the mainproduct. Since then SMC has continued making 8390 basedISA cards (Elite16, Ultra, EtherEZ) and also added severalPCI products to their range.

Contact information for SMC:

SMC / Standard Microsystems Corp., 80 Arkay Drive, Hauppage, New York,11788, USA. Technical Support via phone: 800-992-4762 (USA) or800-433-5345 (Canada) or 516-435-6250 (Other Countries).Literature requests: 800-SMC-4-YOU (USA) or 800-833-4-SMC (Canada)or 516-435-6255 (Other Countries). Technical Support via FTP Site: Site: SMC.

WD8003, SMC Elite

Status: Supported, Driver Name: wd (+8390)

These are the 8-bit versions of the card. The8 bit 8003 is slightly less expensive, but onlyworth the savings for light use. Note that someof the non-EEPROM cards (clones with jumpers, orold old old wd8003 cards) have no way of reportingthe IRQ line used. In this case, auto-irq is used, and ifthat fails, the driver silently assings IRQ 5.You can get the SMC setup/driver disks from SMC's ftp site.Note that some of thenewer SMC `SuperDisk' programs will fail to detectthe real old EEPROM-less cards. The file SMCDSK46.EXEseems to be a good all-round choice. Also the jumpersettings for all their cards are in an ASCII text file in theaforementioned archive. The latest (greatest?) versioncan be obtained from

As these are basically thesame as their 16 bit counterparts (WD8013 / SMC Elite16),you should see the next section for more information.

WD8013, SMC Elite16

Status: Supported, Driver Name: wd (+8390)

Over theyears the design has added more registers and anEEPROM. (The first wd8003 cards appeared about ten years ago!)Clones usually go by the `8013' name, andusually use a non-EEPROM (jumpered) design.Late model SMC cards will have the SMC 83c690 chip insteadof the original Nat Semi DP8390 found on earlier cards.The shared memory design makes the cards a bit fasterthan PIO cards, especially with larger packets.More importantly, from thedriver's point of view, it avoids a few bugs in theprogrammed-I/O mode of the 8390, allows safemulti-threaded access to the packet buffer, andit doesn't have a programmed-I/O data register thathangs your machine during warm-boot probes.

Non-EEPROM cards that can't just read the selectedIRQ will attempt auto-irq, and if that fails, they willsilently assign IRQ 10. (8 bit versions will assign IRQ 5)

Cards with a non standard amount of memory on board canhave the memory size specified at boot (or as an optionin /etc/modules.conf if using modules).The standard memory size is8kB for an 8bit card and 16kB for a 16bit card.For example, the older WD8003EBT cards could be jumperedfor 32kB memory. To make full use of that RAM, you woulduse something like (for I/O=0x280 and IRQ 9):

Also see 8013 problemsfor some of the more common problems and frequentlyasked questions that pop up often.

If you intend on using this driver as a loadable moduleyou should probably seeUsing the Ethernet Drivers as Modulesfor module specific information.

SMC Elite Ultra

Status: Supported, Driver Name: smc-ultra (+8390)

This ethercard is based on the83c790 chip from SMC, which hasa few new features over the 83c690. While it has a mode that issimilar to the older SMC ethercards, it's not entirelycompatible with the old WD80*3 drivers. However, inthis mode it shares most of its code with the other8390 drivers, while operating slightly faster than aWD8013 clone.

Since part of the Ultra looks likean 8013, the Ultra probe is supposed to find anUltra before the wd8013 probe has a chance tomistakenly identify it.

Donald mentioned that it is possible to write a separatedriver for the Ultra's `Altego' mode which allowschaining transmits at the cost of inefficient use of receivebuffers, but that will probably not happen.

Bus-Master SCSI host adaptor users take note: In themanual that ships with Interactive UNIX, it mentionsthat a bug in the SMC Ultra will cause data corruptionwith SCSI disks being run from an aha-154X host adaptor.This will probably bite aha-154X compatible cards, suchas the BusLogic boards, and the AMI-FastDisk SCSI hostadaptors as well.

SMC has acknowledged the problem occurs withInteractive, and older Windows NT drivers. It isa hardware conflict with early revisions of the cardthat can be worked around in the driver design. The currentUltra driver protects against this by only enabling theshared memory during data transfers with the card. Make sureyour kernel version is at least 1.1.84, or that the driverversion reported at boot is at least smc-ultra.c:v1.12otherwise you are vulnerable.

If you intend on using this driver as a loadable moduleyou should probably seeUsing the Ethernet Drivers as Modulesfor module specific information.

SMC Elite Ultra32 EISA

Status: Supported, Driver Name: smc-ultra32 (+8390)

This EISA card shares a lot in common with its ISA counterpart.A working (and stable) driver is included in both v2.0 and v2.2 kernels. Thanks go to LeonardZubkoff for purchasing some of these cards so that linux supportcould be added for them.

SMC EtherEZ (8416)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: smc-ultra (+8390)

This card uses SMC's 83c795 chip and supports the Plug 'n Playspecification. It also has an SMC Ultra compatible mode,which allows it to be used with the Linux Ultra driver.For best results, use the SMC supplied program (avail. fromtheir www/ftp site) to disable PnP and configure it forshared memory mode. See the above information for notes onthe Ultra driver.

For v1.2 kernels, the card had to be configured forshared memory operation. However v2.0 kernels can use thecard in shared memory or programmed I/O mode. Sharedmemory mode will be slightly faster, and useless CPU resources as well.

SMC EtherPower PCI (8432)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

NB: The EtherPower II is an entirely different card. Seebelow!These cards area basic DEC 21040 implementation, i.e. one big chipand a couple of transceivers. Donald has used oneof these cards for his development of the generic21040 driver (aka tulip.c). Thanks to Duke Kamstra,once again, for supplying a card to do development on.

Some of the later revisons of this card use the newerDEC 21041 chip, which may cause problems witholder versions of the tulip driver. If you have problems,make sure you are using the latest driver release, whichmay not yet be included in the current kernel source tree.

See DEC 21040 for moredetails on using one of these cards, and the currentstatus of the driver.

Apparently, the latest revision of the card, the EtherPower-IIuses the 9432 chip. It is unclear at the moment if this one willwork with the present driver. As always, if unsure, checkthat you can return the card if it doesn't work with the linuxdriver before paying for the card.

SMC EtherPower II PCI (9432)

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: epic100

These cards, based upon the SMC 83c170 chip, are entirelydifferent than the Tulip based cards. A new driverhas been included in kernels v2.0 and v2.2 to supportthese cards. For more details, see:

SMC 1211TX 10/100

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: 8139too, rtl8139(old)

Apparently SMC is no longer the same company that brought you cards like the Ultra and the EPIC. The chip design part is nowcalled SMSC and you will see the SMC name stuck on low end OEM boards like this one - a RealTek 8139 with a modifiedEEPROM.

SMC 3008

Status: Not Supported.

These 8 bit cards are based on the Fujitsu MB86950, which is anancient version of the MB86965 used in the Linux at1700driver. Russ says that you could probably hack up a driverby looking at the at1700.c code and his DOS packet driverfor the Tiara card (tiara.asm). They are not very common.

SMC 3016

Status: Not Supported.

These are 16bit I/O mapped 8390 cards, much similar to a genericNE2000 card. If you can get the specifications from SMC, thenporting the NE2000 driver would probably be quite easy.They are not very common.

SMC-9000 / SMC 91c92/4

Status: Supported, Driver Name: smc9194

The SMC9000 is a VLB card based on the 91c92 chip.The 91c92 appears on a few other brand cards as well,but is fairly uncommon.

SMC 91c100

Status: Semi-Supported, Driver Name: smc9194

The SMC 91c92 driver is supposed to work for cards based on this100Base-T chip, but at the moment this is unverified.

SMC 9452TX/9462TX

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ns83820

4.42 Sundance

Sundance ST201, Alta

Status: Supported, Driver Name: sundance

The Sundance Alta chip is used on OEM boards. It uses bus-mastertransfers, can transmit from and receive into arbitrarily alignedbuffers, and has a 64 element multicast hash. All chip versions have flow control and ACPI power states.

4.43 SysKonnect

SysKonnect sk-98xx Gigabit Ethernet

Status: Supported, Driver Name: sk98

Early reports indicated that this chipset had a problemwith Tx checksums, which hurts performance a little.

4.44 Texas Instruments


Status: Supported, Driver Name: tlan

This driver covers many Compaq built-in ethernet devices,including the NetFlex and Netelligent groups. It also supportsthe Olicom 2183, 2185, 2325 and 2326 products.

4.45 Thomas Conrad

Thomas Conrad TC-5048

This is yet another PCI card that is based on DEC's 21040 chip.

See the section on the 21040 chip(DEC 21040)for more information.

4.46 VIA

You probably won't see a VIA networking card, as VIA make severalnetworking chips that are then used by others in the constructionof an ethernet card. They have a WWW site at:

VIA 86C926 Amazon

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

This controller chip is VIA's PCI-NE2000 offering. Youcan choose between the ISA/PCI ne.c driver orthe PCI-only ne2k-pci.c driver. See the PCI-NE2000section for more details.

VIA 86C100A Rhine II (and 3043 Rhine I)

Status Supported, Driver Name: via-rhine

This relatively new driver can be found in current 2.0and 2.1 kernels. It is an improvement over the 86C926NE2000 chip in that it supports bus master transfers, butstrict 32 bit buffer alignment requirements limit thebenefit gained from this. For more details and driverupdates, see:

4.47 Western Digital

Please see SMC forinformation on SMC cards. (SMC bought out Western Digital'snetwork card section many years ago.)

4.48 Winbond

Winbond don't really make and sell complete cards to thegeneral public -- instead they make single chip ethernetsolutions that other companies buy, stick onto a PCI boardwith their own name and then sell through retail stores.Some setup programs and tech support is available at:

Winbond 89c840

Status: Supported, Driver Name: winbond-840

This chip has been described as `the mutant spawn of a NE2000 anda Tulip clone' -- see the driver notes for more details. This driver also supports the TX9882 chip found on theCompex RL100-ATX.

Winbond 89c904, 89c905, 89c906

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne (+8390)

These are Winbond's ISA 10Mbps ne2000 compatible ethernetchips. Setup programs are available at the Winbond site.

Winbond 89c940

Status: Supported, Driver Name: ne, ne2k-pci (+8390)

This chip is one of the two commonly found on the low pricePCI ne2000 cards sold by lots of manufacturers. Note thatthis is still a 10+ year old design just glued onto aPCI bus. Performance won't be staggeringly better thanthe equivalent ISA model.

For the longest time, Xircom wouldn't release the programminginformation required to write a driver, unless you signedyour life away. Apparently enough linux users have pestered themfor driver support (they claim to support all popular networkingoperating systems..) so that they have changed their policyto allow documentation to be released without having tosign a non-disclosure agreement. Some people have said theythey will release the source code to the SCO driver, while othershave been told that they are no longer providing informationon `obsolete' products like the earlier PE models.If you are interested and want to check into this yourself, you canreach Xircom at 1-800-874-7875, 1-800-438-4526 or +1-818-878-7600.

Xircom PE1, PE2, PE3-10B*

Status: Not Supported.

Not to get your hopes up, but if you have one of these parallelport adaptors, you may be able to use it in the DOS emulatorwith the Xircom-supplied DOS drivers. You will have to allowDOSEMU access to your parallel port, and will probably haveto play with SIG (DOSEMU's Silly Interrupt Generator).

Xircom CE, CEM, CE2, CE3

Status: Supported, Driver Name: xirc2ps_cs

According to the driver, this supports the CE2, CE IIps, RE-10, CEM28, CEM33, CE33, CEM56, CE3-100, CE3B, RE-100, REM10BT, and the REM56G-100.

Xircom CBE-100

Status: Supported, Driver Name: xircom_tulip_cb

A tulip-like implementation on CardBus.


Status: Obsolete, Driver Name: znet

The built-in Z-Note network adaptor is based on the Inteli82593 using two DMA channels. Also note that the IBM ThinkPad 300 is compatible with the Z-Note.

Znyx ZX342 (DEC 21040 based)

Status: Supported, Driver Name: de4x5, tulip

You have a choice of two drivers for cards based on thischip. There is the DE425 driver written by David, and thegeneric 21040 driver that Donald has written.

Note that as of 1.1.91, David has added a compile time option thatmay allow non-DEC cards (such as the Znyx cards) to work withthis driver. Have a look at README.de4x5 for details.

See DEC 21040for more information on these cards, and the present driversituation.

Okay, so your uncle's cousin's neighbour's friend had a brotherwho found an old ISA ethernet card in the AT case he was using asa cage for his son's pet hampster. Somehow you ended up withthe card and want to try and use it with linux, but nobodyhas a clue what the card is and there isn't any documentation.

First of all, look for any obvious model numbers that mightgive a clue. Any model number that contains 2000 will mostlikely be a NE2000 clone. Any cards with 8003 or 8013on them somewhere will be Western/Digital WD80x3 cardsor SMC Elite cards or clones of them.

Identifying the Network Interface Controller

Look for the biggest chip on the card. This will be thenetwork controller (NIC) itself, and most can be identified bythe part number. If you know which NIC is on the card, thefollowing might be able to help you figure out what card it is.

Probably the most common ISA NIC is the National SemiconductorDP8390 aka NS32490 aka DP83901 aka DP83902 aka DP83905 aka DP83907.And those are just the ones made by National! Other companiessuch as Winbond and UMC make DP8390 and DP83905 clone parts,such as the Winbond 89c904 (DP83905 clone) and the UMC 9090.If the card has some form of 8390 on it, then chances are itis a ne1000 or ne2000 clone card. The second most common 8390based card are wd80x3 cards and clones. Cards with a DP83905can be configured to be an ne2000 or a wd8013. Never versionsof the genuine wd80x3 and SMC Elite cards have an 83c690 in placeof the original DP8390. The SMC Ultra cards have an 83c790,and use a slightly different driver than the wd80x3 cards.The SMC EtherEZ cards have an 83c795, and use the same driveras the SMC Ultra. All BNC cards based on some sort of 8390 or8390 clone will usually have an 8392 (or 83c692, or ???392)16 pin DIP chip very close to the BNC connector.

Another common NIC found on older cards is the Intel i82586.Cards having this NIC include the 3c505, 3c507, 3c523, IntelEtherExpress-ISA, Microdyne Exos-205T, and the Racal-Interlan NI5210.

The original AMD LANCE NIC was numbered AM7990, and newerrevisions include the 79c960, 79c961, 79c965, 79c970, and 79c974.Most cards with one of the above will work with the Linux LANCEdriver, with the exception of the old Racal-Interlan NI6510cards that have their own driver.

Newer PCI cards having a DEC 21040, 21041, 21140, or similarnumber on the NIC should be able to use the linux tulip orde4x5 driver.

Other PCI cards having a big chip marked RTL8029 or89C940 or 86C926 are ne2000 clone cards, and the ne2k-pci driver should automatically detect these cards.

Identifying the Ethernet Address

Each ethernet card has its own six byte address that isunique to that card. The first three bytes of that addressare the same for each card made by that particular manufacturer.For example all SMC cards start with 00:00:c0.The last three are assigned by the manufacturer uniquely to eachindividual card as they are produced.

If your card has a sticker on it giving all six bits of itsaddress, you can look up the vendor from the first three.However it is more common to see only the last three bytesprinted onto a sticker attached to a socketed PROM,which tells you nothing.

You can determine which vendors have which assigned addressesfrom RFC-1340. Apparently there is a more up to date listingavailable in various places as well. Try a WWW or FTP searchfor EtherNet-codes or Ethernet-codes and you willfind something.

Identifying the Card by the FCC ID Number

As part of the certification process a card typicallyhas to pass before being sold to the user, it gets testedby the FCC, and from this gets a FCC ID which is supposedto be printed on the card somewhere. For example, acard has on it FCC ID: J158013EWC - and thiscard happens to be a SMC/WD8013-EWC. Some web siteslike and drdriver.commake use of listings of FCC IDs that may help with lessobvious ID numbers. The FCC itself has a search toolthat may also help, and it is at:

Tips on Trying to Use an Unknown Card

If you are still not sure what the card is, but have at leastnarrowed it down some, then you can build a kernel with awhole bunch of drivers included, and see if any of themautodetect the card at boot.

If the kernel doesn't detect the card, it may be that thecard is not configured to one of the addresses that thedriver probes when looking for a card. In this case, youmight want to try getting scanport.tar.gz from yourlocal linux ftp site, and see if that can locate where yourcard is jumpered for. It scans ISA I/O space from 0x100to 0x3ff looking for devices that aren't registered in/proc/ioports. If it finds an unknown device startingat some particular address, you can then explicity point theethernet probes at that address with an ether= bootargument.

If you manage to get the card detected, you can thenusually figure out the unknown jumpers by changing themone at a time and seeing at what I/O base and IRQ that thecard is detected at. The IRQ settings can also usually bedetermined byfollowing the traces on the back of the card to where thejumpers are soldered through. Counting the `gold fingers'on the backside, from the end of the card with the metal bracket,you have IRQ 9, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 10, 11, 12, 15, 14 at fingers4, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 respectively.Eight bit cards only have up to finger 31.

Jumpers that appear to do nothing usually are for selectingthe memory address of an optional boot ROM. Other jumpers thatare located near the BNC or RJ-45 or AUI connectors are usuallyto select the output media. These are also typically nearthe `black box' voltage converters marked YCL, Valor, or Fil-Mag.

A nice collection of jumper settings for various cards canbe found at the following URL:

4.53 Drivers for Non-Ethernet Devices

There are a few other drivers that are in the linux sourcethat present an ethernet-like device to networkprograms, while not really being ethernet. These are brieflylisted here for completeness.

dummy.c - The purpose of this driver is to provide a deviceto point a route through, but not to actually transmit packets.

eql.c - Load Equalizer, enslaves multiple devices (usuallymodems) and balances the Tx load across them while presentinga single device to the network programs.

ibmtr.c - IBM Token Ring, which is not really ethernet.Broken-Ring requires source routing and other uglies.

loopback.c - Loopback device, for which all packetsfrom your machine and destined for your own machine go.It essentially just moves the packet off the Tx queue andonto the Rx queue.

pi2.c - Ottawa Amateur Radio Club PI and PI2 interface.

plip.c - Parallel Line Internet Protocol, allows twocomputers to send packets to each other over two joinedparallel ports in a point-to-point fashion.

ppp.c - Point-to-Point Protocol (RFC1331, 1548. 1661), forthe Transmission of Multi-protocol Datagrams over aPoint-to-Point Link (again usually modems).

slip.c - Serial Line Internet Protocol, allows twocomputers to send packets to each other over two joinedserial ports (usually via modems) in a point-to-point fashion.

tunnel.c - Provides an IP tunnel through which you cantunnel network traffic transparently across subnets

wavelan.c - An Ethernet-like radio transceivercontrolled by the Intel 82586 coprocessor which is used onother ethercards such as the Intel EtherExpress.

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